‘Blessed is the one you discipline, LORD, the one you teach from Your law’ (Psalm 94:12)

You have got to be joking!  How is being disciplined a blessing?

I’m sure we have all known cases where those in authority (parents, teachers, bosses, the law, etc) have gone over the top.  They have not used their authority in love, and the end result has certainly not felt like a blessing.

At other times, we have all suffered where some parents have failed to exercise any discipline with their children.  ‘I’m glad he’s your problem, and not mine,’ said one parent to me about their unruly child in my class.

Yet loving discipline builds good character.  I remember when my father caught me smoking as a teenager.  He made his displeasure very clear.  It was not something I relished at the time.  But I never smoked again, which has to be s good result.

And God’s discipline is perfect.  He never behaves unjustly.  At the same time, He will not just leave those He loves to their own devices.  He cares far too much about us for that.  Those of us who are parents will know that there are times when we have failed to get it right.  But God is the perfect loving Father, and when He disciplines us it is always for our good.

Psalm 94 speaks of God’s judgement on the wicked, those who are arrogant (v4) enough to think that God does not see, or care about their actions (v7). Will these arrogant fools ever learn wisdom? (v8) The LORD sees everything (v11), and ultimately He will repay the actions of the proud (v2) and destroy them in their wickedness v23)

By contrast, those who belong to the LORD recognise the blessing of His instruction.  ‘Blessed is the one You discipline, LORD, the one You teach from Your Law.’ Psalm 94:12

Sometimes Christians believe that God must be punishing them for something that has happened in their past.  But if we are true believers, He will never stop loving us, because we are in Christ.

Psalm 94:14 ‘For the LORD will not reject His people; He will never forsake His inheritance.’

Elsewhere, the book of Hebrews makes it clear that when God disciplines believers, it is always in love, and designed to be fruitful in our lives.  Hebrews 12:6 ‘My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens everyone He accepts as His son.’

Sometimes God allows times of hardship and trials in our lives to teach us wisdom and dependence on Him.  And of course His word corrects and instructs us in how we should live.  May we never despise His loving and wise instruction in Christ.

‘No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of rightousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.’ Hebrews 12:11

It is often said that children feel secure where there is firm but fair discipline, because they know where they stand, and where the boundaries are.  In the same way, the LORD’s presence can bring consolation and joy even in the midst of great anxiety (Psalm 94:19).  Those who learn to trust the LORD, and accept His discipline and instruction, know that they are supported by His unfailing love (v18).  They can say with the psalmist,

‘…the LORD has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.’ (v22)