Welcome to
Allington Baptist Church

A Worshipping Community

Welcome to
Allington Baptist Church

A Loving Community

Welcome to
Allington Baptist Church

A Praying Community

Welcome to
Allington Baptist Church

A Witnessing Community

Welcome to Allington Baptist Church – visitors very welcome.

Into the Bible Service on Sunday @ 10.30am in the Main Church Hall.

Please note there is not a link to this service on the web site. The church fellowship will receive a link by email. The sermon will be posted later in the week and will be public.

 Children have Kid’s Worship in the second half of the service


We are a friendly community church, with a congregation of all ages, and activities for young and old.

We encourage every member ministry and our worship aims to be simple, lively and sincere, with good music and faithful preaching from God’s Word, the Bible.

Please scroll down to see what’s on at Allington Baptist Church….

January News 2025       ROTA                                 Defibrillator


Our Vision

We want to see the Kingdom extended in the local community through personal conversion, and to actively worship and serve the Lord in accordance with Scripture.

Our Mission

‘This church seeks to glorify God through the Lord Jesus Christ by being a WORSHIPPING, LOVING, WITNESSING community, and for this we will work and pray.’

Every Sunday, there is a service starting at 10.30am, in church and live streamed to Youtube.  This 10.30 am service lasts around 1¼ hours:  with worship, and around 25-30 minute talk’. The second Sunday of each month is a Family Service. On the second Sunday each month we have a shorter ‘Early Morning Communion’ (9.15am – 10.00am). Previous talks may be watched from the website under Multi-Media…. Video Sermons.  There is a Prayer Service on the fourth Thursday each month, at 7.30pm (sometimes combined with a Church Communication Meeting).

Ladies Bible Study & Fellowship on Thursday mornings and Mens Bible Study & Fellowship now also on Thursday mornings. Prayer on Saturday morning in church continues between 9am and 10am and early evening prayer on Zoom  (7pm-7.30pm on Tuesday). Homegroups meet on most Wednesdays or Thursdays.  [Most church activities take a break for school holidays]

FAMILIES: See our social media pages (Click for FACEBOOK link) for posts especially for families. Each month we have a Sunday Family service, and a Sunday school type ministry for primary age children and a discussion group for teenagers using GRID materials on Sundays on 1st & 4th Sundays. The children have their own Kids Worship in the Lighthouse Building on the 3rd Sunday. There is a creche on all Sundays apart from those with a Family Service.

For more details of any of our activities, please contact us (office@abcmaidstone.co.uk    or elders@abcmaidstone.co.uk)

Growing together in worship, love and witness wherever God leads


We have an active Children & Youth programme and welcome kids of all ages.


We have a variety of ministries to meet the needs of different ages and groups within the church and community.

Core Values

As a church we provide strong Bible teaching, vibrant worship Spirit led prayerful unity and Community witness

Contact Us

Allington Baptist Church

76A London Road
ME16 0DT

Email: office@abcmaidstone.co.uk

Registered Charity No. 1049403