
people-on-mountain-600Allington Baptist Church was established in 1994 by Christians who believed God was leading them to serve Him in the fast-growing Allington district. We originally met in the Vine Medical Centre, which had been built as a mission station. At our first meeting we were expecting 30 people, but 80 turned up, and there was a real sense of God’s blessing and presence with us.

After a couple of years we were led by God to our current site and building, which has been awonderful blessing to us over the years. David Spriggs of the Bible Society helped the elders to launch the church in the new building with a community open day.

Our first full-time worker was Rev Mike Asbery who ministered among us for 3 years. A couple of years later, Martyn Colley, a member of our fellowship was called to full-time ministry here, having recently completed theological training at Oak Hill. We have always had a positive working relationship with St Nicholas, the one other church in the immediate area, and with other churches across the town (where Martyn serves as Chair of the annual Maidstone Bible Week). Over the years we have sought to develop our contacts with the community and our neighbouring school through a variety of different ministries. Through it all we have known the faithfulness of God leading us on and upholding us.