‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.’ (Psalm 118:26)

Newcastle, 1981.
I was a shy young student, spiritually and emotionally confused.
And then I met James.
James was a worker for Campus Crusade for Christ.  He was the friendliest person I have ever met, and he was absolutely confident in his faith in Christ.  In those first few meetings he led me through an evangelistic Bible study, which didn’t mean much to me at first.  But a friendship was started, which led to me attending his church, and eventually finding the same faith in Christ.  I didn’t recognise it in those first few meetings, but in James’ enthusiasm, his faithfulness and obedience, I was truly blessed, more than I could ever have imagined at the time.
James is now a pastor in Oxford, and his friendliness and faith continue to open doors for the gospel into people’s lives.  How I thank God for his friendship and ministry.
‘Blessed is (the one) who comes in the name of the LORD.’
In a general sense I guess this verse could be used of all of us when we seek to minister to others in Christ’s Name.  Over the years there have been so many others who have been a blessing to me, in the ministry of the word, in the encouragement of brothers and sisters who have come alongside me and ministered to me in times of need.
And the blessing is not only one way.  I remember when I used to visit one old lady in our fellowship to take her communion.  I would spend time thinking what can I take to bless her this morning, yet I always went away doubly blessed by her because of her radiant faith.
I guess there is always a blessing when we seek to reach out to others in the love of Christ, whether we recognise it at the time, or not.
‘Blessed is (the one) who comes in the name of the LORD.’
In its original context this verse probably applies to the Davidic King, leading the procession of worshippers to the Temple after a great deliverance (v5,13)  ‘The LORD is my strength and my defense, He has become my salvation’ (v14).  And after that it was used annually in the great festivals of Israel.
But now it will forever be associated with Palm Sunday as Jesus, Israel’s true King rode into Jerusalem (Matt 21:9, Mk 11:9, Lk 19:38, Jn 12:13).
‘Hosanna!’ ‘Save us,’ the crowds cried (v25).  If only they had understood the kind of salvation He came to bring for the whole world, beginning with Israel.
As verse 22 of this psalm says, ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the LORD has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes.’
How blessed was His mission, and how truly blessed we are in Him.  And we are called to be  blessings to others in His Name.
How much we owe to Him who came to be our Saviour.  ‘The LORD is God, and He has made His light shine on us..’ (v27).  And so we respond, with all our hearts, ‘You are my God and I will praise You; You are my God and I will exalt You’ (v28)
‘Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.’ (v29) Amen!